'Creating original electronic music: Processes and environment'
by Jacob Israel
Cost: FREE
Time: Saturday, 5 September, 15:20 - 16:20
Place: Sci-Bono, Newtown
Workshop Summary
This workshop will cover some of the key areas in which Jacob creates music, namely creative processes, equipment, software and environment. It will include a discussion around what we are missing in our local music industry and how we can change that and grow. Creativity, knowledge and technology are all married in music and will be analysed throughout this workshop while discussing acoustics and it's importance in creating audio.
Jacob Israel
Jacob Israel is the moniker of self-taught experimental musician, producer and composer Jacob van der Westhuizen. Jacob has been writing and producing electronic music since 2001. He has performed and collaborated on many aspects of production, writing, mixing, remixing and mastering with artists and groups like Givan Lotz, Ola Kobak, Fulka, A Skyline on Fire, Jonathan Crossley, Lark, Yesterdays Pupil and The South African Youth Orchestra to name a few. He has also recently been collaborating with the iMPAC film festival to produce original live quadrophonic scores for silent films. He works from his Pretoria based Benjamin Studio.
facebook.com/JacobIsraelMusic ​